Lynda Learning ON1 Photo RAW 2019 学习视频教程
Lynda Learning ON1 Photo RAW 2019 学习视频教程英文教程
2m 18s
What you should know before watching this course
Exercise files
1. Planning a Digital File Structure
Why is a well-planned file structure important?
Developing a naming convention for your files
2m 6s
How to create folders and subfolders
5m 18s
2. Organizing a Digital Library
How to import new images to a library
2m 47s
Adding metadata on import
4m 54s
Re-organizing current images
4m 25s
Migrating images from Adobe Lightroom CC Classic
3m 3s
3. Albums, Catalogs, Browsing, and Searching
What is an album and why do you need one?
3m 34s
What is a catalog and why do you need one?
1m 19s
How do we browse and search
2m 50s
4. Developing an Image
Essential raw development strategies
4m 22s
Advanced raw development strategies
2m 7s
Global vs. local adjustments
5m 54s
Controlling magnification and view to examine an image
2m 1s
Cloning and healing to remove problems and blemishes
3m 4s
Merging high dynamic range (HDR) images
5m 14s
Merging panoramic images
2m 31s
5. The Effects Module
Applying and adjusting effects
2m 33s
An introduction to masks to refine effects
1m 40s
Creating and sharing a preset
2m 49s
6. The Layers Module
What are layers?
2m 52s
Using smart layers
3m 10s
Organizing layers
Controlling layers with opacity and blend modes
2m 50s
Merging layers
2m 15s
7. Selections and Masking
Creating an initial mask
2m 24s
Refining a mask
2m 57s
Saving and reusing masks
2m 16s
Creating a stamp layer
2m 39s
8. The Resize Module
Sharpening an image
1m 51s
Adding film grain
2m 4s
Wrapping for output
2m 7s
9. Outputting Images
Choosing a file type to store an edited image
2m 8s
Exporting other image types
1m 32s
Creating export and resize presets
2m 3s
Next steps
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